Thursday 18 October 2018

Sunday 7 October 2018

BBC bitesize glossary

  1. brand identity
    The image a company constructs for itself through the use of logos, slogans and other marketing tools in order to appeal to an audience.
  2. cross-platform
    The appearance of a media text on more than one platform; cross-platform or cross-media advertising is used to market a product like a film on the web, TV and newspapers.
  3. endorsement
    The act of supporting or backing something; celebrity endorsement is often used in advertising to sell a product.
  4. ethos
    The purpose, attitude and beliefs of a person or an organisation.
  5. media convergence
    When audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts.
  6. media format
    A media format refers to whether the content is video, audio, print based, or a combination such as a website or video game.
  7. media platform
    A media platform is where a media text is presented; this can be TV, cinema, computer, games console, digital media player, smartphone, tablet, magazine, or newspaper
  8. media text
    Any media product such as a TV programme, film, magazine, video game, newspaper, music track or album created for an audience.
  9. niche audience
    A small, narrow audience interested in a specific topic or theme - the opposite of a mass market audience.
  10. public service broadcasting
    Public service broadcasting is for the benefit of the public and not just for profit or commercial gain; the BBC is a public service broadcaster in the UK.
  11. smartphone
    A mobile phone with a powerful processor that is capable of running applications and accessing the internet.
  12. tablet
    A computer device a little smaller than a laptop but with a built-in touchscreen, usually without a keyboard.

Friday 5 October 2018

Media Framework: Industry

The Media Industry

the media industry is made up from a collection of different organisations. they all share the production, publication and distribution of media texts. examples of these organisations are;

  • BBC
  • Disney
  • News corp
  • Nintendo
  • Marvel
  • The Guardian
Audiences can access media texts in many formats on different platforms, these can be used to inform, entertain and promote products and ideas.

there use to be many companies that where big producers in media by 1992 there were only 12 big companies, now in 2018 there are only 6 big companies

1) Comcast- 69 Billion
    they are the biggest cable provider in the world

2) Disney- 48 Billion
    they own many other companies like Pixar, Marvel, ESPN and many others

3) 20TH Century Fox- 32 Billion
    they make most of their money from advertising and film/tv

4) Warner- 27 Billion

5) CBS & Viacom- 15 Billion each
These companies control 71% of national circulation

BBC is a public service Broadcaster

All media forms are regulated

TV/Radio- Ofcom
Video Games- Pegi
Film- BBFC
Advertising- ASA

Wednesday 3 October 2018



M - music
C - contrapuntal/ parallel 
D - diegetic/ non diegetic 
O - off screen
V - voiceover
- emotion
D - dialogue 


S - screen time
T- transitions 
- order of narrative 
P - pace
- special effects 

Practice ( UP scene) : 

M: the music tells a beautiful story without words needed, it creates love and passion through the soft violins and happy melody. Resulting in a romantic atmosphere and genre. 
C: the music is parallel to the setting; the upbeat and cheerful tune relates to an adoring and blissful emotion, and the slow and saddening music relates to a desolate feeling. This is purposely used so the audience feels the way the characters feel. 
D: there is non diegetic music in this scene, the music states the emotion and words for itself.
O: there is no offscreen voices or actors in this scene. 
V: there is also no voice overs. 
E: the music creates two controversial emotions - happiness and sadness. these contrasting emotions allows the audience to connect with the characters and permits the journey of their life to come together; every couple has their ups and downs. 
D: there is no dialogue within the characters. 

S: roughly 40/50 years have passed within a 4 minute clip, therefore the screen time is very short and quick. 
T: 1 minute and 21 seconds into the clip there is a very delicate and important scene. The couple seems to be preparing for a baby as Ellie is painting a child's room in luminous and complementary colours, representing happiness. The music is upbeat and cheerful, however a few seconds later a simple and smooth transition appears - with not only a different scene but a change in the tone of music; slowing down. A grey and dull atmosphere lingers whilst the couple crouch in despair, knowing they are unable to have a child. This creates a great deal of sadness and emptiness. 
O: this clip is in order as it shows their lives pass through the years, from the past to the present.  
P: The pace is extremely quick; due to passing 50 years within a 4 minute clip, however it has a smooth and gentle approach.
S: there is no special effects within this movie; due to it being a cartoon. The clip is extremely natural and pure. 

Media Framework: Audience

Demographic Profiling

this is used to group audiences into categories. it help target adverts to the right people as more expensive thing would be based towards group A,B,C1 and cheaper things toward C2, D, E as they would have less money spare.
psychographic profiling

these are categories of different personalities of people. this also helps target adverts to right type of people who are most likely to be interested in the product.

Target Audience
targets audience by age and gender more wide of an audience

Niche Audience
this is a specific audience (e.g. some one who likes bird-watching)

 Audience Response

Stranger things scene by scene