Sunday 9 September 2018

Summer Task 2

Deutschland 83

this trailer has used a lot of quick paced camera shots this makes it seem as though there would be a lot of action in the series and keeps it new and makes sure you wouldn't get bored when watching the trailer, the producer would have done this to keeps peoples attention on the trailer and try to convince them to watch the series. most of the scenes show different aspect of the series as in the romance, action, violence and joyfulness, in doing this it opens it up to a wide audience already, as the producer would know that people often watch series on types on genres that they like. it allows people who watch the trailer to get a good idea of what to expect from the series and invites them into this undercover life of a spy. from the scenes they show it engages the audience and connects them to the characters. this would make them want to watch the series as they would want to know what happens to each character as it looks as though they are on a dangerous mission to stop something from breaking out. they use text as well to get key information across like "cold war" showing us when it is based and telling us the main character is a "soldier/spy" as it is an easy way to do so and gives the viewer a better understanding of what the will be based around it also keeps the viewer watching the trailer as they would read this key information. this would interest some people as that might like thing to do with the cold war or spies. the producer/director has done this to show the audience what the series is about and shown some of the key moments so the viewer would be interested to find out what happen at the end of the series. the producers would have looked at all the scenes and picked out the most gripping and appealing scenes to put into the trailer, to advertise it and intrigue the biggest amount of people. the producer used a very well known song two tribes by Frankie goes to Hollywood which works very well with the quick action of the trailer as the song is very upbeat and fits the secretive and dangerous feel of the series. the music makes the trailer more intense and brings out the action which makes the viewer more immersed in the trailer and brings in their attention to it. there is also part of Ronald Reagan's evil empire speech used with adds more knowledge and understanding to what the series would be about. using these well known speeches and songs would make the trailer better known as people would here it and remember the time the heard that song/speech and would relate that to the trailer and would want to see the series as the would think it would interest them, that is why the producer would of selected these certain audio sounds.

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