Thursday 22 November 2018

Newspaper Lanuage

Newspaper Language

Types of Newspapers:
  1. Broad sheet - Guardian
  2. Tabloid- The Sun
  3. Mid Market Tabloid - The Daily Mail
  4. Local Newspapers - Essex Chronicle
Subjective: Tabloid
Objective: Broadsheet

Types of News:
  • Soft: Weather, Celebrity gossip or fashion.
  • Hard: Attacks, death, Politics, Science, War, Education, Health or World events.

Online Newspapers

  • Reaches More Customers
  • Easy To Access
  • Available everywhere
  • Free To Read
  • More Interactive
  • Mostly Free except for financial times
  • Easier To Share Articles
  • Simple Layout
  • Portable
  • Lack of waste
  • Live Updates
  • Can Personalize The Articles You See

  • Need Data/Internet
  • Bad For Environment
  • Pop Up Adverts Are Annoying
  • Distraction
  • More In Depth Articles

Newspaper Industry

Newspaper Industries Research

1. I think that the demand for paper copies of news paper have gone down, as technology has become advanced and more common so it is easier for people to view it online.

2. The Audit Bureau of Circulations (UK) is a non profit organisation owned and developed by the media industry. ABC delivers industry-agreed standards for media brand measurement of print publications, digital channels and events. 

3. As most people have nothing going on on Sunday they like to read the paper to find out the news this is due to most place being shut and no work.

4. The leading broadsheet is Daily telegraph, the leading tabloid is the sun and the leading mid market is The daily mail. All these newspapers used various pictures,headlines and content to help entice the audience leading to a big audience.

5. The daily mail is the second most popular paper, but most popular mid market. Where as, the Guardian is shown to be towards the lower ends of the scale this could be due to the niche audience that is appealing to the paper, the daily mail is a  mid market therefore is has broadsheet and tabloid aspects therefore is will have a vast audience from both community's.

6. The Guardian Media group is owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose main purpose is to ensure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian, the papers values are to be honest, fair and bring integrity to the reader. This is therefore done by the independence of most news stories and ideas attracting a varied audience. This is shown through the investment of over £1 billion, then with most profits they reinvest into journalism to deliver the best quality news to the audience.

7. Personally in terms of digital distribution I believe the most important brand identity has to be about the online websites, as many commuters and other people have technological devices such as laptops and tablets that may not be able to download the application therefore it is easier to access the internet. E.g people on work breaks are predominantly at computers or desk tops therefore it is easiest to view; as most works now ban the use of mobile phones within a certain block/building due to distraction.

8. The UK newspapers appear to be the least trusted in Europe, according to research by the European Broadcasting Union. It carried out surveys of 1000 members of the public in each of 33 European countries for its Trust in Media report. The UK by far the least trusted 'written press' of any European country.

9. The Independent Press Standards Organisations are the regulators for most of the UK's newspapers and magazines. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and maintain freedom of expression for the press. They make sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code.

10. Print display advertising revenue for the national UK newspapers has grown for the first time in more than seven years, according to a new report on ad expenditure. Display ads in national titles saw revenue growth of 1% year on year in the first quarter of 2018, putting it at a total of £152.6m for the period. Within tabloids print display advertising grew by 3% year on year.

Friday 9 November 2018



these are the two main types of newspaper Tabloids- tabloid is a newspaper that has small pages, short articles, and lots of photographs. Tabloids are often considered to be less serious than other newspapers. Compare broadsheet. 'The British tabloids called me "leggy" and "stunning",' she recalls. aimed at higher social class.

Broadsheets- a newspaper with a large format, regarded as more serious and less sensationalist than tabloids. Aimed at lower social class.

the newspaper market

The Populars- The Sun, Daily Mirror, Sunday People, Daily Star

Mid-Market- Daily Mail, The Sunday Mail, The Evening Standard, The Metro, Sunday Express, Daily Express

Quality- The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, The Observer, The Guardian, The Times, The Sunday Times, The Interdependent

Political Following

News Values

In 1965 some media researches investigated the most important new agenda this gave them a list of news values.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Stereotypes and Readings

visual shortcut but is often not true and offensive
the ultimate stereotype,(dumb blonde) is more basic
A representation that challenges traditional stereotype

Oppositional Readings
when an audience reads a text in the opposite way the media intended it to.
Negotiated Readings
When an audience is allowed to bring their own experiences alongside the medias intentions (when it is left more for you to decide what you think) different audience might have different readings
Preferred Readings
when an audience reads a text in the way that media intended it to

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Media Framework: Representation


-The way in which people , events and ideas are presented to the audience.
-To break it down, the media takes something that is already there and re-presents it to use it in the way they choose
-These representations are created by the producers (anyone who makes a media text) of media texts
-What they choose to present to us is controlled by gatekeepers
     Gatekeepers: These people have control & power of what is shown and not shown to a public audience

     Moguls: Media moguls are people who own the company (i.e Newspaper) so have say on what goes in and doesn't



Monday 5 November 2018

Newspaper Comparison

THE SUN- Owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.

THE DAILY MAIL- Owned by daily mail and trust.

TELEGRAPH- Owned by David and Fredrick Barclay.

Stranger things scene by scene