Monday 9 September 2019


Summer work

Big News and Current Events:

  • United Kingdom European Union and Gibraltar Referendum occurred on 23rd June 201651.9% to leave whilst 48% wanted to stay.  Overall the Conservatives wished to remain, as did Labour, SNP, Liberal Democrats and many more (MP's).


  • After David Cameron resigned from MP on 24th June 2016 after a vote in a referendum to leave the EU, Theresa May followed as MP and continued as MP until 7th June
  • The last General Election was 8th June 2017 between Theresa May and Boris Johnson with the Conservative Party winning the election.
  • Corbyn decided to follow the path in the Labour Party after Ed Miliband resigned after their defeat in the 2015 general election. After becoming leader of the Labour Party, he delivered many conferences and speeches to argue his opinions that he believed lacked in his local newspaper, the Islington Tribune.

Royals events:
  • 21st April was the Queens 90th Birthday however it was celebrate on the 10-12th June due to Kate and Williams wedding happening only a week after her actual Birthday.
  • 26th April 2011 Prince William and Kate had their royal wedding, it occurred at West minster Abbey.
  • Kate gave birth to George on July 22nd 2013, Charlotte on May 2nd 2015 and Louis on 23rd April 2018.

Terrorism and Hatred:
    • On 22 March 2017, a terrorist attack took place outside the Palace of Westminster in London, seat of the British Parliament. The attacker, 52-year-old Briton Khalid Masood, drove a car into pedestrians on the pavement along the south side of Westminster Bridge and Bridge Street, injuring more than 50 people, four of them fatally. He then crashed the car into the perimeter fence of the Palace grounds and ran into New Palace Yard, where he fatally stabbed an unarmed police officer. He was then shot by an armed police officer and died at the scene.
    • At 21:58 BST, a van with the three attackers inside drove onto London Bridge from the north side of the river. The vehicle crossed over, before returning in the opposite direction six minutes later. When it reached the northern end of the bridge, police said it made a U-turn and mounted the pavement. It then crossed the bridge again, running into pedestrians, including three of those killed.
    • The Finsbury Park attack was a vehicle-ramming attack in Finsbury Park, London, England, on 19 June 2017. A van was driven into pedestrians in Finsbury Park, London, by Darren Osborne, causing one death and injuring at least nine people.
    • 22 people died - including a number of children - after an explosion tore through a pop concert at Manchester Arena. More than 800 other people received physical or psychological injures in the blast at an Ariana Grande concert on May 22 2017. Terrorist Salman Abedi was named as the suicide bomber who carried out the attack. 
    • On 16 June 2016, Cox died after being shot and stabbed multiple times in Birstall, where she had been due to hold a constituency surgery. Thomas Mair, who held far-right views, was found guilty of her murder in November and sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life order.

    Syrian War:
    • It is a conflict between forces of the Ba'ath government and forces who want to remove this government. The conflict began on 15 March 2011, with demonstrations. In April 2011, the Syrian Army fired on demonstrators across the country. After months of military battles, the protests turned into an armed rebellion.

    Specific UK issues:
    • Mays fall was several factors such as saying 'Brexit means Brexit' insisting that no soft deal was created leaving clients in various markets preventing it to effect our country as a whole. Also triggering article 50 without a proper plan led to a downfall as her MP's also didn't agree with her policy's and thoughts.
    • On 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the 24-story Grenfell Tower block of flats in North Kensington, West London just before 1:00 am; it caused 72 deaths, including those of two victims who later died in hospital. More than 70 others were injured and 223 people escaped. It was the deadliest structural fire in the United Kingdom since the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster and the worst UK residential fire since the Second World War. The fire is currently being investigated by the police, a public inquiry, and coroner's inquests. 
    • The Wind rush scandal is a 2018 British political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation, and, in at least 83 cases, wrongly deported from the UK by the Home Office. Many of those affected had been born British subjects and had arrived in the UK before 1973, particularly from Caribbean countries as members of the Wind rush generation.
    • The 2016 junior doctors strikes in England had a ‘significant’ impact on the provision of healthcare, with thousands of appointments cancelled, and significantly fewer admissions and A&E attendances than expected. 
    • The Charlie Gard case was a best interest’s case in 2017 (4 August 2016 – 28 July 2017), an infant boy from London, born with mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS), a rare genetic disorder that causes progressive brain damage and muscle failure. MDDS has no treatment and usually causes death in infancy. The case became controversial because the medical team and parents disagreed about whether experimental treatment was in the best interests of the child.
    • Johnson, now 31, grew up in County Durham and was a youth player at Newcastle United and Middlesbrough. In 2010, he was snapped up by Manchester City for a rumored £7 million, signing a lucrative four-a-half-year contract. The next year he helped City win the FA Cup and the following season was part of the squad that won the club's first Premier League trophy in 2012. He also earned 12 senior caps for the England national team. After struggling for game time in City's star-studded squad, Johnson signed for Sunderland for £10 million in 2012 and continued playing after his arrest and charge. At the start of his trial in February 2016 he was earning £60,000 a week playing for the Black Cats. He was finally sacked by the club after he pleaded guilty to grooming and sexual activity with a child.
    Cultural Trends
    • Films: More recent films have been lacking originality due to many methods of film production already have being done, so creating a new formula is harder to do. Currently, remakes are a popular way of making a new film such as Lion King
    • TV: Similar to films, TV series' are lacking originality due to the massive growth in production. So many series' are simply using the same formulas to previous seasons to re-create a new season with a cheap price to air.
    • Music: Music genres are slowly being limited to 80's and 00's pop due to this being the majority of what people listen to. This is where many artists make their money, reasoning why the genre is most popular
    • Video Games: With the increase in technologies within the recents years, the interest in video games has gained due to new game opportunities being allowed. 
    • Youtube: Youtube has slowly increased its viewership where daily viewers, uploads and amount of content has all increased, being free to post, watch and enjoy.

    Thursday 2 May 2019

    Old Spice Slides

    Old Spice

    • Old spice was created in 1934 by William Lightfoot Schultz.
    • 1937 introduced for women.
    • 2012 iconic clipper ship logo replaced with yacht.
    • 1938 introduced for male.
    • Gender orientated (male).
    • Perfect fathers day gift.
    • Previous adverts follow traditional conventions of stereotypes.
    • Masculine advertising, with representations of women that are irrelevant in the advertising. 
    • 60% of mens body washes were purchased by women so Old Spice needed to attract female shoppers.
    • Old spice market lacked masculine credibility.
    • Target audience 12-34 men and their women shoppers.
    • 'The man your man could smell like' on YouTube and Facebook to share and create a buzz. (seeding).
    • The advert was climaxing at the end of the super bowl and before, to make people think physiologically that the brand is important. 
    • Post launch, key ingredients.
    • Adverts were advertised during shows tat were watched by both sex, they started to introduced deals Buy one get one free (BOGOF).
    • YouTube - 10 million views.
    • Facebook, 55000 fans.

    Lucozade Slides


    • Old Spice
    • Lucozade
    • Shelter (Charity)
    1. Creating awareness
    2. Interest
    3. Desire to purchase the products
    • PRICE

    USP- Unique selling point, to help create a memorable advert to improve brand image (word of mouth).

    Features of Adverts:
    1. Copy 
    2. Headline
    3. Subheading
    4. Slogan
    5. Logo
    6. Central image
    7. Typography
    8. Brand identity
    What do we analyse?
    • CLAMPS
    • Audience
    • Representation
    • Shot/lighting

    Big Issue Slides

    Magazine Key Word

    Circulation: number of copies of sold (200 000 000) -2016-.

    Readership: not people who buy but total people who like and read.

    Mass Audience: readership on a large audience.

    Niche audience: narrow group of audience, particular interest.

    Subscription: reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazine in advance for a lower price.

    The Big Issue Question

    The Big Issue on the left is promoting the work of the vendors, they have used a range of people showing that any one can be homeless, this has been done to show the audience they are humans and should be treated like everyone else as many people become homeless though unfortunate events that they have no control over. the diverse range of people are shown to be approachable and friendly all having happy expressions, this encouraging the customers to buy from. this is to help target the problem of poverty and homelessness and the negative views people have about which are sometimes incorrect. The cover on the right is a promotion for the Paddington Bear Film this has been put together to show how he is accepted in Britain as a migrant from Peru. the film had great success and people loved the character of Paddington, therefore is a good way to show how ethnicity shouldn't matter and people should feel welcome. this has been done through the text, location and color as well.The text one the left one "We Are Here" has a similar message to the right one "One Of Us" they both show how social standing is a collective thing, and how everyone has to help each other. the word "we" shows how homelessness is every ones problem and can happen to anyone, therefore you should help them even by just purchasing a magazine from them because it helps them buy food and keep warm. the magazine on the right has used the collective word "us" to show how paddington has been accepted into England and is just the same as every other person in Britain. both texts are placed in the middle and are large, bright and bold making them easy to see and show they have importance. 
    The masthead of the magazine can be seen to be placed at the center of the top of the magazine. It is fairly large so it can be seen from some distance. This is good for the recognition of the magazine and people who buy it can see it is for a good cause.

    Thursday 4 April 2019


    • Make judgement and reach a conclusion on why they advertise this way.

    The colour scheme of these adverts is very bland, consisting of a faded red, black, white and grayscale. The dull colours show a sense of sadness and depression about the issue and shows that homelessness is a serious matter. The simple colour scheme helps present one easily recognizable message without much inference from the audience. The advert also contains emotive language in order to gain empathy from the audience. The words are painted across the faces of the individuals on the advert to connote their potential thought processes however it also creates a seriousness as the words are so close to the audience in a bright bold font in the middle of the spread. The vague description of the words helps the audience’s imagination play a key role to expect the worse and feel very sympathetic to those in need or imagine a family/friend or relative to be in that situation. Creating the atmosphere for the reader creates a sense of tension and potential change to help support the campaign. The social context helps portray the seriousness of the problem as many homeless are clearly visible in most towns and cities lying helpless with nothing! The lack of diversity when representing the photos help show that anyone can potentially become homeless, therefore it shows there is no stereotype for people that become homeless (which is emphasised by the 'normal' looking people on the poster). There is a possibility that the individuals presented are ethnically diverse however there isn't much evidence. The expressions on the faces are very bland and serious, this is ambiguous as it helps represent how anyone can become homeless however it allows the reader visualise the advert as they desire - some worrying more than others-. As the pale plain faces connotes that the people may be feeling weak and vulnerable however the Shelter charity can help vigorously reverse this... The brand image/logo is a key component of the campaign as the 'H' is in the shape of a house, this reminds the audience how the charity will either help you fund for a house or maintain your housing status. On the other hand, i believe that this makes the audience feel sympathetic to those in need as they begin to reminisce the good and joyful memories they have experienced in the own homes. Each poster contains a difference scenario that shows how different people can become homeless in different situations. This is used to inform people that anyone is vulnerable but it can potentially happen in any way! This creates links to social context of the audience of the luxury's they enjoy every day however those in need don't even have a roof over the head again adding to the sympathy. In conclusion, I believe that the images are used to show the inequalities of wealth in society (Shown through the lack of emotion on the posters), In addition this creates a sense of sympathy from the audience as innocent people are losing their homes. Postmodernism is used to show shocking images of innocent children to create a shock and reaction to try and gain peoples support and financial gain.

    Sunday 10 March 2019

    Minecraft Intro Essay

    Minecraft is a multi-platform, sandbox video game created and designed by a Swedish programmer, Marcus Perrson who is also known as 'notch'. It was created in 2009 and was eventually published via Mojang. A sandbox is a style of game which has minimal character limitations, so the gamer is viable to roam and explore in a virtual world with no hurdles, many tasks can be completed however they are not compulsory to 'complete' the game therefore it is down to the gamer imagination! How was Minecraft so successful you may ask? Personally, I believe that it was down to many factors such as it being an original game with the context or roaming free and being able to create buildings or survive in the wild. The game originated as an indie game as it was a small company (Mojang) that published Minecraft therefore new and emerging ideas where present that hadn't been engulfed from the vast conglomerates. When playing Minecraft it seems to sustain a strong and varied community from young children to adults that stream for others to watch and share to enjoy and potentially learn something new about the game.With Minecraft being available on many platforms such a PC, Xbox, PS4 and Mobile devices, it increasing the target audience potentially increasing sales and revenue, which can be reinvested into the game increasing the overall game play. Overall, this helps benefit the producers of the game alongside the audience as the game they love everyday is getting technically stronger and more enjoyable due to a larger fan base and cross platform availability. From the years 2014/15 business year, Minecraft tripled their revenue from 1 million to 3 million! As a result of a small business, Microsoft viewed their success as an investment, therefore late in 2014 purchased Minecraft from Mojang for a record $2.5 billion!

    Twitch is a huge streaming platform, allows gamers to stream game play of various games for fans to watch/enjoy and share. This allows the streamers to gain donations from fans to allow a revenue, which potentially increases the amount of streamers due to the potential of a financial and public gain. Twitch have collaborated with Amazon, for those with amazon prime Twitch prime is gifted for free which allows various attributes for fans to contribute and speak with their favourite streamers which again increases the audience and target audience. Not only do they host gaming events and streams they show IRL videos (In Real Life) which consist of events such as concerts and sporting events which opens to a larger audience. Minecraft have their own Twitch channel, they post eccentric buildings, competitions and tutorials for the community to watch and to improve their experience on the game. This then helps promote their game for the potential of a new audience. In late 2014 Microsoft purchased Minecraft from Mojang for a total of $2.5 billion! Therefore, Mojang joined Microsoft's large stable internal studios. Customization, allows the game to chop and change to your desire, not only can you make Minecraft look different with skins and resource packs, but you can also use mods to completely change the game. For example, in Project Ozone 2 Kappa Mode, the mod pack (a collection of mods put together for entertainment), many recipes have been made much more difficult. There are vast options from making jet packs, to flying like a bird, to exploring other planets, to following the quest line, magic mods, tech mods and computers inside of mine craft. Another point that falls into the category of customization are the various game modes (Creative, Survival and Realms). This allows a greater structure if people wish to plays to rules and wish to play with friend in things such as mini games on external servers and realms (private servers only holding 10 people.

    Notch Article

    • Notch was celebrating raising £280,000 for three charities by making a new game in 60 hours.
    • The second is selling 5 million copies of Mine craft (A blocky-looking game).
    • He is name is Marcus Perrson however he is also referred to as 'Notch' meaning Jesus in the urban dictionary.
    • He started Minecraft on his own in 2009.
    • Then he formed the Video Game company Mojang.
    • He deliberately left features out to entice the audience to interact with one another.
    • Every Friday he would introduce updates, which was perfectly timed for people to relax and enjoy playing this emerging game over the weekend.
    • Due to Perrsons PayPal account financially exploding they froze his account as they suspected fraud.
    • On January 12th 2011 Minecraft surpassed a million units sold.
    • By April, it was two million units.
    • August it was three million.
    • A few days before November it had surpassed four million copies!
    • Then Minecon was created for all the fans and lovers to go and express themselves among one another.

    Minecraft Mini Presentations

    Video Game Key Words

    -Games Consoles - A unit accommodating a set of controls for electronic or mechanical equipment.
    -Sandbox Game - Construction; building from scratch. Changing roles of the 'look down generation.' Collaboration through gaming; multi-player
    -Microsoft - Institution which owns video games; Xbox and Minecraft
    -Platforms - Different levels of gaming. Online Vs Moving images Vs Audio. Ways you can play (App, physically etc.). Multi-Platform - More than one way of playing; more platforms = wider variety.
    -Servers - How the games run, where info is kept, enables games to be played.

    Intro to Minecraft...
    - Minecraft development - from 'online Lego'
    - Multi - platform =  more available
    - Open Sandbox - no limit
    - Started as an 'indie'
    - Critically and commercially successful
    - From independent to mainstream - 125 million copies sold.

    -Minecraft was created by Marcus 'Notch' Persson and developed by Mojang.
    -These were independent, separate to and not financed by a big commercial company.
    -But, as small independent products become successful, it is usual for larger organisations/owners to want to buy them.

    6 reasons why Minecraft is successful...
    - Infinite replay-ability - Sandbox (No limits)
    -Strong community - creations are the marketing campaign
    -Platform agnostic - Released on everything
    -Co-opted by children - Household name
    -Not limited by genre
    -Fulfils human instinct to bring order to chaotic wilderness

    Video game: A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display.

    Types of Video games:
    - RPG
    -Puzzle solving

    - Fortnite                                        -Cooking Mama                      -Sims
    -Nintendogs                                   -Dinner Dash                           -Far Cry
    -Fifa                                               -Big Brain academy                 -Rainbow 6 Siege
    -GTA                                             -Sky Rim                                  -Fable
    -NBA                                             -Mario Sonic                            -WWE
    -UFC                                              -F1                                           -Assassin's Creed
    -Wii Fit                                          -Just Dance                              -Wii Sports resort
    -Crash Bandicoot                           -Rachet and Clank                   -We Sing
    -Moshi Monsters                            -Guitar Hero                            -Monkey Ball
    -Call of Duty                                  -Watch Dogs                            -Battlefield

    Thursday 28 February 2019

    Video Game Questions

    1) How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his YouTube channel?
       - Ali-A currently has 16,000,000 subscribers.
    2) How many years have he been doing this?
       - He started his YouTube channel in 2009.
    3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
       -He started playing minecraft because it was getting a lot of attentionand view on youtube.
    4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
       -he tried to interact with his fans by playing mini games with them on mincraft.
    5) Describe his average working day
       -he would get up and record some video gameplay, then he would edit, render and upload his video. the rest of the time he would spend relaxing, going on social media and watching other youtubers.
    6) Why might he watch Youtubers?
       -to see what content they are uploading to get new idea and bring in a big audience.
    7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
       -twitch is a streaming website and app. they host a range of thing from IRL to e-sport.
    8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year?
       -He makes around £3 million.
    9) How much was Minecraft purchased for?
       -Microsoft purchased it for £2.5 Billion.
    10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
    a) it is a successful asset that can be used to attract a bigger/ wider audience.
    b) it would make them money as it has a massive active audience.
    C) they would have control on many platforms.
    11) How might this affect the game?
       -they are a big company so they could produce a good future for the game and take it further, some fans may see changes that they dont like.
    12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?
       -minecrafts biggest asset is the community and fan base that surround it.

    Minecraft Documentary


    Radio one has many ways to interact with their audience, as this is important to keep people listening as they want to stay relevant and have a good relationship with their audience.

    BBC Radio 1 show aim to target a range of young listeners, using mixes of music tracks alongside talk shows and audience interaction opportunities. This enables the Radio show to entertain and engage their audience to listen. People want to feel like the radio producers are interested in the overall public and they care about them – hence why a presenter, such as Greg James, will encourage the public to call in and get in contact with the Radio show or to sign up for competitions. The target audience is 15-29 year old, sometimes targeted at younger teenagers for the songs played; where they could listen in the car, on the way to school (in the morning or after school) etc. One way of targeting this audience is to make prizes that appeal to that age – fun, lively, exciting places or objects to win. However, it is shown that 30% of 35-44 year old think the radio show is aimed at them. Which affects the breakfast show in a positive way due to the fact that it means the amount of listeners is expanded, as there are a wide range of people that are interested in listening.

    Another way that audience is encouraged is due to the timings of the radio show, with the timings being focused around early morning and on the timings of commutes, this means that commuters and people that are awake in the mornings on their way to work have entertainment. The timings being focused in the early hours of the morning when people are on the way to work means that regular listeners always have entertainment and something to listen to if they want to. what this generates is a returning audience, which means that the same people return every day for the entertainment if they enjoy it. This means that there will be daily listeners which become part of a community and as-well as this, always come back and listen to the entertainment which is given and provided to them for free every single day. The radio channel then capitalizes on those who are regulars by leaving them on cliff hangers. This means that listeners come back the next day to hear the end of a story or in-fact a game or quiz which is aired at a certain point in every show, they may come back the next day for that as-well.

    Another way Radio 1 interacts with their audience is by the website: this consists of the latest music, (which is updated frequently) live music and mixes (this will benefit the audience by showing them what has played so they can access it later after already listening to it) , such as live lounge, where artists sing covers; the official chart, radio 1 playlists, 'whats new', news, sports, weather, i player, sounds etc. All of these features are easily accessible for all ages and enables the audience to have a 'choice' in what they want to listen to or participate in. This interaction is further developed through the games; such as 'a journey back into fake Britain' - Greg James plays a game by ringing lots of callers and firing random questions, in which they have to respond with the first thing that comes into their head without panicking or thinking too much. The idea is that the person on the end of the phone is under pressure, which makes it more entertaining for the listeners. Examples of the sort of questions are: what noise does a koala make? Or a happy butterfly? These questions are unusual which engages the audience because Greg James can be known as a fun, younger guy, friendly, like your best mate- very likable. Another part of the podcast presents him asking viewers what they listen to, to help them fall asleep. This is effective in receiving more listeners because it shows that the radio presenter has an interest in what their fans like and dislike. People want to get involved because a wide target audience listens to Radio 1.

    Wednesday 27 February 2019

    Radio One Timeline

    News and Weather
    Sting, 2 Tickets giveaway to FA cup final, get to have photo with FA cup, trip to MOTD studio and meet the presenters (text 81199)
    Jam slam prize announced (Jade Bird- Love Has all Been Done Before)
    Sting. Song (OutKast - The Way You Move ft. Sleepy Brown)
    Sting. Song (Marshmello ft. Khalid - Silence)
    Tickets giveaway to FA cup final ring up
    Sting. Song (Ellie Goulding, Diplo, Swae Lee - Close To Me)
    Talking about Jam Slam Tomorrow (Cricket World Cup Final) and cricket
    Sting. Song (The Vaccines - All My Friends Are Falling In Love)
    Talking about Jam Slam tomorrow
    News and Weather
    Talking about fact Controller
    Sting. Song (Jax Jones, Years & Years - Play)
    Sting. Song (Justin Timberlake - Mirrors)
    Fact Controller Game

    radio one questions

    1. How long has Greg James been presenting The Radio 1 Breakfast show? 
    He joined on the 20th August 2018.

    2. What is the age range of the target audience that the R1BS aim to attract? 

    The age range is 13-35 year old.

    3. What are the main differences between R1BS and commercial stations' breakfast shows like Capital FM? 

    theres less music and more talking, interaction with the audience and news.

    4. List as many ways audiences can access Radio 1 that you can think of. 

    Radio, Phone, Website, Online, YouTube, Social Media
    5. How can the audience interact with the R1BS?

    they can phone in, email, or text.
    6. Which professional body regulates Radio and how might this affect what is broadcast? 

    7. How does The R1BS fulfil its remits as a public service broadcaster?

    8. Why is the controller of Radio 1, Ben Cooper unconcerned about the drop in listening figures for the R1BS?


    9. How does the program promote British music?

    10. What genres of music were played during your slot? Give some examples.

    11. Celebrity interviews - Who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about? How many of the interviews are with British people?

    12. News items - List the stories and identify which relate to Britain.

    13. Quizzes and games - what can you win?
    14. How does the broadcast fit into the BBC ethos of 'informing, educating and entertaining'?
    15. How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?

    16. Who do you think the audience is from the content of 'your section'? What evidence do you have for this?

    17. How large is the audience for the Radio 1 Breakfast show?
    18. Which five audience categories did the BBC Trust use to measure audiences in 2016?
    19. Which BBC radio station is most targeted at a mass audience?
    20. Which BBC radio station is most aimed at a niche audience with high levels of cultural capital?

    Stranger things scene by scene