Thursday 27 September 2018

Boyz In The Hood Analysis

Opening Scene

 in this opening scene we can tell a lot about the film, it opens with a scene in a street in a rough area with four young children who are meeting to go to school, stray dogs and trash can be seen in the background showing an unclean and unsafe environment for children to be in. they begin to talk about a shooting last night as though it is a casual thing. they then go to the location of a shooting which is in their local area on their way to school, this shows the reality of how close all this happen to their home. a poster can be scene of the current president at which one of the children sticks their middle finger up at showing their views of what the president has done for them. meanwhile dogs can be heard barking and people shouting in the background. it then transition from the poster to drawing of shooting and police which are hung up in a primary school classroom which the children go to which sends a powerful message showing what the children grow up seeing. the children are being taught when the teacher ask a question and one comes out with a funny comment, this shows that they have a lack of interest in learning. a fight then breaks out between two to the boys and they remark about getting family members to shoot each others. to everyone in the room this is normal for them to hear as they are not deeply shocked about it, and the teacher does not take a great deal of action upon this. later that day a phone call between his mother and teacher which is played over as he is walking back from school and older people are fighting in the street he is walking down. the teacher ask offensive question to the mother asking about issues at home and if she is employed presuming she is not. all of this tells us how people stereo type different communities and the conditions people are in which is ignored by the government and would rather leave them to their own problems.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Mise En Scene

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M-make up

Thursday 20 September 2018

My First Edit

Adobe Edit
To create this i used Adobe Premier to create this edit. To begin i added videos to add up to a minute then found two different songs and cut them down to fit the 2 different scenes. after that i could add edits, for this i found the desired effect/s i wanted to add to each clip then enabled them, once this was done i could control how much a effect would have on the clips. some of the effect change and distort  also fade and twirl the image where as other can be used to sharpen an image or put a color tint on it. i also used text for the title which would be added as an asset over the clip. to complete it i added transition effect, this makes it more interesting when changing clips and gives an alternative to sudden change every time.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Camera shots

Frame, Angle and movements

 XLS (extra long shot), used to set the scene and create an isolated appeal. 

LS  (long shot) includes feet and head, still involving most of the background. 
 MSL (medium long shot) is above the knees
 MS (medium shot) is formed from the belly

 MCU (medium close up) is from the chest 
 CU ( close up) is the whole head 
 XCU (extra close up)
 BCU (big close up) , displays the characters emotions 
 LOW , creates a threatening and over whelming appearance, making the character seem powerful
 BIRDS EYE, used from a high angle
 CANTED/ TILTED, generates a confusing aspect
 WORMS EYE, is used for a dramatic effect
HIGHmakes the character seem and feel small

Wednesday 12 September 2018


Semiotics - Study of signs
  • message
  • Photos 
  • videos
  • calendar
  • notes 
  • music

Hybrid: combination of two genres for e.g romcom, action adventure
Semiotics: is the study of sings and also of anything which stands for 'something else'.
Denotation:  what we see when we look at an image (what it is)
Connotation: what we understand from this image. (what other meaning it has.)

Connotation on a Netflix poster.

Image result for netflix poster
 we can see half the sky is set at night time, this tells us that bad things will happen as it gives an unknown and mysterious vibe. the other half of of the sky is filled with fairy light and demonic scratch letters, this relates innocence with evil showing that this will be a main theme of the series as it takes up a large proportion of the poster. there is also a black border that reaches in and turns into twisting lines, this black looks to represent darkness which reaches in towards the main characters. the background also has a old shed and intimidating fence with a warning sign, this give a creepy vibe as there could be anything in the shed which could be dangerous. the fence also shows secrecy and hidden danger. in the middle we can see a character with their hand out and a angry look on their face, this gives the idea that this character is powerful and important and most of the events will be based around them.

  1. brand identity
    The image a company constructs for itself through the use of logos, slogans and other marketing tools in order to appeal to an audience.
  2. cross-platform
    The appearance of a media text on more than one platform; cross-platform or cross-media advertising is used to market a product like a film on the web, TV and newspapers.
  3. endorsement
    The act of supporting or backing something; celebrity endorsement is often used in advertising to sell a product.
  4. ethos
    The purpose, attitude and beliefs of a person or an organisation.
  5. media convergence
    When audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts.
  6. media format
    A media format refers to whether the content is video, audio, print based, or a combination such as a website or video game.
  7. media platform
    A media platform is where a media text is presented; this can be TV, cinema, computer, games console, digital media player, smartphone, tablet, magazine, or newspaper
  8. media text
    Any media product such as a TV programme, film, magazine, video game, newspaper, music track or album created for an audience.
  9. niche audience
    A small, narrow audience interested in a specific topic or theme - the opposite of a mass market audience.
  10. public service broadcasting
    Public service broadcasting is for the benefit of the public and not just for profit or commercial gain; the BBC is a public service broadcaster in the UK.
  11. smartphone
    A mobile phone with a powerful processor that is capable of running applications and accessing the internet.
  12. tablet
    A computer device a little smaller than a laptop but with a built-in touchscreen, usually without a keyboard.

Genre And Hybrid


Genre- A type or category of X.

Describe In detail
Setting- location, time period
Themes- love, guilt, revenge, good vs evil
Icons- significant props, weapons or a wallet
Narrative- how a story is told, plot
Characters- male/female, background
Textual analysis- style of camera, editing, muse en scene

Types of genres:
  • Drama
  • Romcom
  • Comedies
  • Horror
  • Si-Fi
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Thriller
  • Western
  • Musical
  • Crime mystery

Hybrid- combinations of 2 different types of genre.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Steve Neale

Genre Theory- Steve Neale

   -He stated that genres may be dominated by repetition, but are also marked by difference, variation and change.

   -The idea that these genres change, develop and vary as they borrow from and overlap with one another.

Genre Picture Task

Action and Adventure:

For our first task we captivated a picture representing the genre of adventure and action.  To accomplish this, we aimed to embody the stereotype of these genres but mixing them together. For example, in both, characters could be running away from someone or something, escaping or climbing to explore. Therefore, we chose a wired fence for a prop to achieve this. In addition the fence looks similar to those in a prison; this also highlights the genre of adventure and action.



For our second task we designed a picture for a music genre. By doing this we included key props such as a piano and a drum, and characterised our facial expressions to be happy; due to musicians loving what they do and create. To possibly improve this image i would change the backdrop to a musical theme such as adding stage lights, more instruments or artistic posters etc.    


Summer Task 4

The Big Six

they are the top six company's in the film industry collectively collecting about 85% of revenue in the US and Canadian box office and each earning profits at least one billion a year. they are 20th century fox, Warner bros, paramount pictures, Columbia pictures(now Sony pictures entertainment), universal pictures and Walt Disney pictures. this may become five if Disney buy fox for around $71 billion.

20th Century Fox
they owns many TV programs and sky, they also have the right to X-Men, Deadpool and The fantastic four.
     Deadpool 2
     Budget: 110 million USD
     Box Office: 734 million USD
     Release date: 16th May 2018

Warner Bros
they own Turner Broadcasting system which owns more than 175 cable TV networks and Home Box Office with also operate multiple TV channels
     Wonder Women 
     Budget: 130 million USD
     Box Office: 821.8 million USD
     Release date: 15th May 2017
Paramount Pictures
they own Viacom who own TV channels like Nickelodeon, MTV, Channel 5 and many others they use to own the right to iron man and captain america but have now sold them.
     Mission Impossible Fallout
     Budget: 178 million USD
     Box Office: 650 million USD
     Release date: 12th July 2018
Sony Pictures Entertainment
this is owned by Sony who own a lot of other companies including music, TV and electronics.
     Spiderman Homecoming
     Budget: 175 million USD
     Box Office: 880.2 million USD
     Release date: 5th July 2017
universal pictures
universal is own by NBC universal and they own many other channels and their own resorts park.
     Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
     Budget: 175 million USD
     Box Office: 1.295 billion USD
     Release date: 6th June 2018
Walt Disney
they own many other companies including ESPN, marvel entertainment, lucasfilm, and their own resorts park.
     Beauty and The Beast
     Budget: 250 million USD
     Box Office: 1.264 billion USD
     Release date: 17th March 2017

Advertising Campaign
Big company's can spend a lot of money to get their film advertised. they pay millions to get TV advert on the most popular channels which also cost them extra to have a good advert made. adverts also appear on video streaming websites such as you tube, this is useful as they have a lot of visitors every day. as well as advertising it on the internet they will put up posters in high traffic areas and on things like buses which will travel so people can see. they also advertise in magazines and newspapers as well as sponsoring company's to give them promotions.

Summer Task 3

Newspaper Covers
              Image result for trump visit newspaper           Image result for newspaper front page trump

the media have the power to shape our opinion on very important people they. in these newspapers they present trump as unpopular, if you was to ask some one about trump its mostly always a negative opinion it seems that no one like his or believes his actions are right, but the american population would of had to like him and what he stands for to become the president. this could tell us how they don't report everything fairly about certain people. trump does a lot of unnecessary things and some of which could affect the UK there fore our media presents him in a negative, other wise this would help his campaign. they do it in a way to mock him and make the media look as though they are above trump and can say what ever they want about him. they call him a clown which is meant to insult his intelligence and make him appear dumb to the audience, but he is a very successful man and has made a lot of money from this, you would also need to be intelligent to be the president of US and run a successful campaign, which he was. 

are you beach body ready : this girl can
Image result for are you beach body ready   Image result for this girl can

the beach body campaign received a lot of criticism as they used an unrealistic stereo type and stated that this was the "beach body" people should have and what it should look like. you can see that model is petite and has a thigh gap which is the desired look they are suggesting is right, the model is also standing in an abnormal position to show her key features, which people didn't like as well as they didn't see it as a true reflection as angles can change someones appearance dramatically. the audiences to this felt as though people should feel confident in their own body and shouldn't create a stereo type of a good body as people have plenty of problems without worrying about their body, as it takes time and effort to get this "idea body". where as this girl can has shown how people have impact but it is normal and OK. this campaign is more supporting and comforting for a user to see. it shows in a much better way that is you are insecure about something there is something you can do to change and improve it. this way it give people hope and makes them feel in control as they realize there are many other people like them, and will motivate them to change it.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Summer Task 2

Deutschland 83

this trailer has used a lot of quick paced camera shots this makes it seem as though there would be a lot of action in the series and keeps it new and makes sure you wouldn't get bored when watching the trailer, the producer would have done this to keeps peoples attention on the trailer and try to convince them to watch the series. most of the scenes show different aspect of the series as in the romance, action, violence and joyfulness, in doing this it opens it up to a wide audience already, as the producer would know that people often watch series on types on genres that they like. it allows people who watch the trailer to get a good idea of what to expect from the series and invites them into this undercover life of a spy. from the scenes they show it engages the audience and connects them to the characters. this would make them want to watch the series as they would want to know what happens to each character as it looks as though they are on a dangerous mission to stop something from breaking out. they use text as well to get key information across like "cold war" showing us when it is based and telling us the main character is a "soldier/spy" as it is an easy way to do so and gives the viewer a better understanding of what the will be based around it also keeps the viewer watching the trailer as they would read this key information. this would interest some people as that might like thing to do with the cold war or spies. the producer/director has done this to show the audience what the series is about and shown some of the key moments so the viewer would be interested to find out what happen at the end of the series. the producers would have looked at all the scenes and picked out the most gripping and appealing scenes to put into the trailer, to advertise it and intrigue the biggest amount of people. the producer used a very well known song two tribes by Frankie goes to Hollywood which works very well with the quick action of the trailer as the song is very upbeat and fits the secretive and dangerous feel of the series. the music makes the trailer more intense and brings out the action which makes the viewer more immersed in the trailer and brings in their attention to it. there is also part of Ronald Reagan's evil empire speech used with adds more knowledge and understanding to what the series would be about. using these well known speeches and songs would make the trailer better known as people would here it and remember the time the heard that song/speech and would relate that to the trailer and would want to see the series as the would think it would interest them, that is why the producer would of selected these certain audio sounds.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Summer Task 1

This magazine has been targeted toward young girls. They have used Ariana Grande as the focal point on the front cover to attract customers, this is because she has a big fan base most of which are young girls. this would make them want to buy the magazine as they would want to know more information about her. It also includes a "free poster" of her which would further convince the audience that the magazine is worth the money. All of the text they have used is bold and creative, this makes it eye catching and noticeable which is important as it would be place next to other magazines, in doing this it is more likely to be selected by the customer. The text also mentions a lot of other things in the magazine like the "exclusive interview" with another big name Kendall Jenner, this would also make the customer want to buy it as they wouldn't be able to find the interview ant other magazine. they also use other relevant subject for young girls like school, as they would want to know what is "essential" when going back to school. using relevant topics toward the audience is the best way to interest them as pull them in so they buy the magazine. making it look creative and and standing out from the rest is a good way to sell it to a target audience, the deign works for this magazine as it is for young girls, where as if it was for a older audience it could be more formal.

Friday 7 September 2018


Media Forms
Media comes in many different forms such as Television, Music Video, Radio, Advert, Film, Internet, Magazine, Newspaper, Video Games. these are all controlled by companies and can effect ours lives daily.
Television: The vampire diaries
Music Video: Titanium (David Guetta)
Radio: Radio 1

Media Framework

Adidas Originals Advert

L- they use the camera to make the advert appealing to the eyes this is done by the editing and colors used. they also use vectors to engage the viewer to follow a path to the products of the company. they have also used Frank Sinartas song My Way which is well known to many audiences and has been updated to suit the context to the advert.
I- the brand of Adidas has clearly been presented to the audience to show what products they make and who their audience is. they show their products which is mostly clothing and shoes which is aimed toward casual/sports wear. this would interest people who like that sort of style or play sports which would mean for Adidas that the advert would be successful as would get new customers to buy their products.
A- Adidas has shown who they want their target audience to be for using people in the video in relation to their wealth which shows the product are at an affordable price, the ethnicity/gender/ age showing it is for both genders and based to round a younger and fitter audience as the advert used a lot of celebrities to have a younger following base. it also shows that it is a sports brand as well as causal brand this would give a wide audience for who they expect their customers to be. the advert shows how you can wear their products for any background
R-they have shown the brand to be for every one one matter where they come from, it shows each person having their own individual style and wearing the brand. they have used celebrities as well to show that they wear it so fans would spent money as they would want  the "in things" that they have. they have shown how people are confident and enjoy wearing the brand which would make the audience want to buy it as they would feel "associated" and feel the same as the people in the advert.

Stranger things scene by scene