Thursday 17 January 2019

Industry & Audience

We Will Be Looking At:

Film- Industry 
Radio- Industry & Audience 
Video Games- Industry & Audience 

2 Question - 15 Marks

The Film Industry (Creating a film)

Pre-production - ( script, storyboard, schedule)
Production - (filming, editing)
Marketing - (trailer, poster, social media)
Distribution - (potential buyers)
Exhibition - (showing of films, how the producer sells the film)

Conglomerates- when two or more companies engage in a multi-industry company

Ownership types:

vertical integration: when one company has ownership of all means.
Horizontal integration: when companies share the ownership, the profit is shared between them.


Recipe for success:

- sequels, Live action remakes, franchises, TV, park resorts, Internet, stores

After A Film Is Made- make video games, rides, clothes, toys, TV shows.

Make 10 movies every year.

Synergy- Two or more forces working together to create a greater effect.

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